My name is Tom Tomeny and the major qualification I have to serve as Governor of Utah is that my life is completely surrendered to Jesus.  When I do the right thing, it is because I understood and followed Jesus. When I do the wrong thing, and that happens, it is because I misunderstood and failed to follow Jesus.

As I prayed last December, Jesus prompted me, by His Spirit, to get on the ballot for Governor this year. 

It took about three weeks of personally gathering every necessary signature and $1,000 to get on the ballot.  And then it took the courage and willingness of my running mate, Dr. William Lansing Taylor, to step up and join me as my running mate. He is not religious as I am, yet he is a great friend and surely follows the Way of Jesus.

I believe following the Way of Jesus is more important than any particular religion, for religion usually reflects cultural heritage. The Way of Jesus is simple, it is to love all, all the time. To serve others all day, every day, as you are given the opportunity. As you focus on serving others, you will find all your needs being met, and you will receive, as gifts, both the presence and presents of God continuously. His Holy Spirit becomes your Spirit, and your life becomes a life of Christ.

Seven years ago, I was miraculously converted to the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter-day Saints, by the audible, to me, command of God. The full story of my conversion is told on this video. Please consider reading the comments as well, for some who know me well testify of my character there.

I have  not run any sort of conventional campaign for this election. I believe that committed followers of Jesus research all candidates and will be led to vote for me by the Spirit of God if that is God's will. I believe that research and prayer is the Jesus Way of voting and is what we have been taught to do by our Church leaders, including recently President Oaks.

You have a rare opportunity to vote for a candidate whose entire life is focused upon Jesus Christ. And there is a second candidate in this year's races whom I know is fully committed to Jesus, that is my new friend, Austin Hepworth, who is on the ballot for Attorney General.

The Jesus Way is an ongoing and even eternal campaign for the heart and soul of all, individuals and institutions like the State of Utah. It is how we transform our lives and the lives of all, by using the sole weapon of His warfare, which is His Love, for all, all the time.

If a miracle happens and I am elected Governor, all my actions will be governed by prayer and submission to the will of Jesus to the best of my ability to understand His direction. That is the closest as I can come to making a campaign promise. My beliefs are those of Jesus, Faith, Family, and Freedom.

More about the Jesus Way

Jesus changed the world. 
And He did it with no money and no political party.  Thousands gathered and supported Him,  for His message is of  faith , hope, and love, for all.
You may not be a Jesus  follower, yet.  Rightfully, because many religions have distorted His pure message. And many politicians claim to follow Jesus,  yet act as if they have never heard His Word ever.

Jesus set the example of how to change the world. You can start by refusing to vote for any candidate who spends money on advertising their election campaign or is affiliated with any political party. And you can continue by spreading this message.

The evils perpetrated by governments are largely due to a system that runs on money and secret combinations known as political parties.

You can put a stop to this, by refusing to vote for candidates who advertise or are affiliated with any political party, when that is an option.

As people like you embrace this concept of no money and no party politics, there will surely be many more candidates to choose from in the elections to come that also embrace no money and no party politics.

Most candidates are working to be elected under the old paradigm, of asking for money to buy advertising to then ask for your vote. Or contributing time and money to parties and political action committees to do similar. 

Be an informed voter, go to the websites of each and every candidate. Learn from the source what they are all about and how well they may represent you and your unique perspective on how we can all live together best in peace and harmony.

And perhaps learn more about Jesus, and His Way.  I have found this organization to be very good, they will send a team of teachers to your home if you are sincerely interested.

 I am a strong believer in the Separation of Church and State. Institutions tend to foster evil on a scale not possible to individuals.  But I do not believe in the separation of political action and spirituality. Jesus taught spirituality. He did not legalistically conform to the one religion of His day and culture.

This website was founded by Tom (Treyeshua) Tomeny. This movement was founded by Jesus (Yeshua) Christ.

Those who govern their thoughts and actions solely by the principles of liberalism or conservatism or intellectualism cannot be expected to agree with all of the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. As for me, I find some wisdom in liberalism, some wisdom in conservatism, and much truth in intellectualism—but I find no salvation in any of them.

-Dallin H Oaks

This site is produced and paid for by Tom Tomeny as part of his campaign for Governor of Utah.